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Facebook Access

Step 1: Create a Facebook Business Manager

1. Log in to your Facebook account at
2. Open a new tab in the same browser and go to
3. Click Create Account
4. Enter your business name and click Continue
5. Enter your name and business email address and click Finish

Step 2: Create a Facebook Ad Account from Facebook Business Manager

1. Log in to
2. Click Add New
3. Click Ad Accounts
4. Enter your Ad account name
5. Select time zone and currency
6. Click Create Ad Account

Step 3: Assign a Partner from Facebook Business Manager

1. Log in to your Facebook Ads Account at
2. Click the menu button in the top left-hand corner and click Business Manager Settings
3. Hit Partners then Add
4. Enter this number into the Business ID field: 884521014916008
5. Click Next
6. On the left, click Pages then grant admin access for your Facebook page(s)
7. Click Ad Accounts then grant admin access for your Facebook ad account(s)
8. Click Pixels then grant admin access for your Facebook pixel(s)
9. Hit Save Changes
10. Select all checkboxes then click Next
11. Click I accept
12. Click Done